Guide Vane Wind Turbine - The Next Revolution In Revolutions
Harnessing the Power of Wind with a Powerful New Design.
GVWT aims to make wind renewables a financially attractive and viable selection of choice. Arguably, we believe that given our novel and patented design (“the GV turbine”) we are capable of delivering the Highest KW per hour solution than any form of power generation in the world and especially within the renewable energy sector in most parts of the world as it does not need high wind.
In simplistic terms, it is a “turbo-charged” engine unlike any of its competition.
Its design is NOVEL and streamlined to LIFT.
The GVWT DESIGN increases the EFFECTIVE wind speed to as much as 5 times the natural or ambient wind speed and FOCUS the faster air to the rotors blades.
Wind speed/ Velocity being a force multiplier squared (E=MC2).